
Thursday, 24 September 2020

Identity Cardboard Sihouettes


Room 11 have been doing some identity art and we started creating cardboard silhouettes. This my face and I used cardboard and the back of Maths books. I love the outcome of mine. Enjoy!

Black Slavery

This week, Room 11 did some research on some History. We all got to choose a topic then provide some information. I choose to do Black Slavery. Here is my research on Black Slavery. Enjoy!

Friday, 18 September 2020

Mana finds fire


This week for Maori Language Week, Room 11 made animations on Maori Legends. I've decided to create one on the legend of Mana finds fire. Happy Language Week!

Thursday, 10 September 2020

GTS Tongan Feast

On Thursday, Glen Taylor School celebrated Tongan Language week by having a feast with Tongan food. In the morning the seniors helped prep the food then in the last block we had the feast. GTS also had some students perform which was amazing. Happy Tongan Language week!!

Wednesday, 9 September 2020


Today's Tongan dish is 'Otai. 'Otai is a fruit drink that orignated in Tonga. Again our task was to create a recipe and shopping list. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Keke Isite

Today's Tongan dish is Keke Isite. Again we had to write down the recipe, shopping list and an extra task was to work out how much of the ingredients to buy to feed all 12 classes in Glen Taylor School. Here is my work. Enjoy!

Monday, 7 September 2020

Keke Vai Siaine

Like Samoan Language week, we are looking into cultural foods from Tonga. Today's dish is Keke Vai Sianine. We had to create a recipe and shopping list. Enjoy!

Dinah Jane fact sheet

This week we are celebrating Tongan Language Week. Monday's task is to create a fact sheet about a famous Tongan celebrity. I chose Dinah Jane and here is some facts about her career and early life. Enjoy!