
Wednesday, 25 November 2020

The diary of Rottpon

The third task for day 1 of Summer Learning Journey was to create a diary like Anne Frank's and write down the most extraordinary day. Here is one of mine and Enjoy!

Shakespearean English Recount

The second task for Day 1 of Summer Learning journey is to create a recount of your morning and translate in Shakespearean English. Early Modern English in my thoughts are very fancy and difficult to read. Here is my recount in Shakespearean English. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Harry Potter Order Of The Phoenix

Today for Literacy we were told to make our own book cover of our favourite book. I chose this book because the Harry Potter series is my favourite and I love all the suspicion written in the book. Enjoy!

Monday, 23 November 2020

Women Voting Rights

For literacy we had an extra task which was to write on how you felt on how women couldn't vote back in the day. Here is my thoughts and response on the topic. Enjoy!

Notre-Dame de Paris

An activity for literacy was to research on a famous cathedral. I chose Notre-Dame de Paris by the interest of it's beauty. I also chose to research on the Notre-Dame de Paris because in 2019 it got burnt down. Enjoy!

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Film Festival Trip

Yesterday, Glen Taylor school took a trip to Sylvia Park to watch films from the Manaiakalani film festival. We sat in a cinema with St Pius school and the experience was really fun. All the films were super creative and funny to watch. 


A message from GTS

For most of Term 3, Glen Taylor has been preparing for the Manaiakalani film festival. A group of girls from our class has created a short film of positive quotes from Glen Taylor School Students.We hope that when you watch this film, you are film, you are inspired and motivated to embrace your uniqueness and strive to succeed? Don't let anyone stand in your way! Enjoy!

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Fun Run T4

 Last Friday, Glen Taylor seniors participated in the Breakfast Club Fun Run. We ran from Pakuranga Sailing Club to St Kentigern School. We ran 2.4 Kilometers and to me it was very tiring. Enjoy!


Yesterday with Mr Victor we talked about weeds from gardens. Room 11 then went out to the Glen Taylor school garden to dig out weeds. We learnt that weeds take up space and steal sunlight and water from our crops. Our homework was to explain what Photosynthesis and here is the completed explanation. 

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Roots Project Funvo

Last week Monday, the seniors of Glen Taylor School had an afternoon of rugby games. A team of girls who play rugby by the team Storms came and taught how to play rugby. It was super fun but also very tiring. Enjoy!


Friday, 16 October 2020

Sketch of our upcoming art

Today, Khin Linn and I created a sketch of our painting that we are planning to recreate for our upcoming Art Exhibition. We did this on a A3 paper and used felts with water. This is what it would sort of look like but we are planning to add people. 

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Artist Studies


For Term 4, Room 11's focus for Art Exhibition is creating creations by cultural artists. Before we create anything we must learn about the art, Khin Linn and I decided to create a painting from a Burmese artist. Here is our plan! 

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Identity Cardboard Sihouettes


Room 11 have been doing some identity art and we started creating cardboard silhouettes. This my face and I used cardboard and the back of Maths books. I love the outcome of mine. Enjoy!

Black Slavery

This week, Room 11 did some research on some History. We all got to choose a topic then provide some information. I choose to do Black Slavery. Here is my research on Black Slavery. Enjoy!

Friday, 18 September 2020

Mana finds fire


This week for Maori Language Week, Room 11 made animations on Maori Legends. I've decided to create one on the legend of Mana finds fire. Happy Language Week!

Thursday, 10 September 2020

GTS Tongan Feast

On Thursday, Glen Taylor School celebrated Tongan Language week by having a feast with Tongan food. In the morning the seniors helped prep the food then in the last block we had the feast. GTS also had some students perform which was amazing. Happy Tongan Language week!!

Wednesday, 9 September 2020


Today's Tongan dish is 'Otai. 'Otai is a fruit drink that orignated in Tonga. Again our task was to create a recipe and shopping list. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Keke Isite

Today's Tongan dish is Keke Isite. Again we had to write down the recipe, shopping list and an extra task was to work out how much of the ingredients to buy to feed all 12 classes in Glen Taylor School. Here is my work. Enjoy!

Monday, 7 September 2020

Keke Vai Siaine

Like Samoan Language week, we are looking into cultural foods from Tonga. Today's dish is Keke Vai Sianine. We had to create a recipe and shopping list. Enjoy!

Dinah Jane fact sheet

This week we are celebrating Tongan Language Week. Monday's task is to create a fact sheet about a famous Tongan celebrity. I chose Dinah Jane and here is some facts about her career and early life. Enjoy!

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Maths 27/08/2020

Here is today's math task. We had to create 10 questions that can be converted into a percentage. These questions will be answered by someone else in my maths group. Enjoy!

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Your Family

This is today's LCS work. This task was about our own family. We had to answer the questions that were given and here are my answers. Eenjoy!

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

After School Diary

Today in our morning class call Mr Victor assigned us to create a diary of all the thins we do after doing home learning. I've also included what my weekends look like. This is usually what I do every week now that we are in lockdown. Enjoy!

What's important to you?

Today's LCS work was about "What's important to you?". The questions that were given to us were  if we had to leave what are some things we'd pack, some non-physical thing we would miss and what would we miss most about being away from our homes. Enjoy!

Maths 25/08/2020

For today's maths work, Exponents worked on the same thing as yesterday. Today I could see the difference when I'm working the questions out because I know how to do them. Turning fractions into percentages are getting easier and easier. Enjoy!

Monday, 24 August 2020

Personal Timeline - Rottpon

Lastly, this is my person timeline. For LCS today we had to create a personal timeline about events that have happened in our life. Here are some of the things that have happened in my life. I've also provided some pictures of those moments. Enjoy!

Writing 24/08/2020

Here is today's writing tasks. Room 11 worked on our grammar and completed 3 tasks assigned to the story "Teeth". I really enjoy this task and think I am getting better at my grammar. Enjoy!

Daily 5 24/08/2020

Here is Week 6's first Daily 5 work complete. For word work I chose to work on the meanings of our new spelling words, for listening to reading I wrote a review on Pele the fire goddess. Lastly for work on writing I did pobble and the story I picked was The Artist. Enjoy!

Math 24/08/2020

It's a new week and today's maths work is based on converting fractions to percentages. Exponent's WALT is to work out percentages of amounts (Hot shots). Enjoy!

Friday, 21 August 2020

Fun Friday - Week 5

For Friday Miss Tupou had put together fun activities for Room 11 to do. Here is the final slide for my Fun Friday tasks. Enjoy!

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Movement snaps 20/08/2020

As Today was a sunny day I returned to doing my whole school movement. I took the same route and here is my evidence. Enjoy!

Daily 5 20/08/2020

Here is today's Daily 5 task completed today. For word work I created a word search and for Work on writing I wrote a diamante. For listening to reading I listened to the Tokamotu of Taupa. Enjoy!

Maths 20/08/2020

This morning's math was still focusing fractions. This task was to swap our questions to another person in our group. Me and Wint swaped our worked and here is this finish answers. I find doing fraction really hard to understand and do but I'm slowly getting it. Enjoy!

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

These are today's Daily 5 tasks I've completed. I chose to work on my synonyms for word work and it was super easy. For work on writing I chose the story "Lights". Lastly for listening to reading I did the story about Samoan Tatau. Enjoy!

Family Tree - Rottpon

For LCS today we had to create a family tree. I kept mine simple with only my parents and stepsister. I included where the were born and grew up and where they are now. Enjoy!

Maths 19/08/2020

For today's maths task we had to create our own Cuisenaire rod task. Tomorrow we would have to swap our work with another group member that would be in Exponents. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Daily 5 18/08/202

This is today's Daily 5 tasks I've completed. For word work I did the task of finding words that would rhyme with my spelling words. For work on writing I did would you rather. Lastly for listening to reading I picked the story about Pania and the Reef. Enjoy!

Personal Details - Rottpon

Today's LCS task was to create a google drawing with your personal details about yourself. Here are more facts about me that you may of not know. I've included my hair and eye color, culture, dislikes, likes, age, name, parents name and thing I could do better with things I'm good at. Enjoy!

Movement Snaps 18/08/2020

Here is today's evidence of today whole school movement. I walked around the block with my dad. You could find more of my snippets of me doing the whole school movement task on my slide that I posted on the first day of it. 

Maths 18/08/2020

This is Tuesday's maths from this morning. Again like yesterday my group worked on improper and mixed number fractions. I seem to be getting the hang of the questions but at the same it is very hard but I try my best at it. I had help from my teacher and classmate. 

Monday, 17 August 2020

My personal profile

Today's LCS task was to create a personal profiles including these 8 questions. I am definitely sharing more facts about me on my blog which I am super proud about. Enjoy!

Movements Snaps Gallery

This is where all my Whole School Movement moments will be stored. I will have photos and videos of when I'm taking my walks outside. Here I've got today's first one uploaded on the slide. Enjoy!

Daily 5 17/08/2020

This is all my Daily Five tasks that I did digitally. This is my word work, listening to reading and work on writing. Enjoy!